Jaipongan is a genre of dance that was born from the creativity of an artist from Bandung, Gugum Gumbira. His attention to folk art, one of which is Tap Tiluknow and know very well make Treasury dance movement patterns that exist inthe tradition of Kliningan / Bajidoran or Tap Tilu. Motions openings, pencugan,nibakeun and several kinds of motion mincid of some art above have enoughinspiration to develop a dance or art that is now known as Jaipongan.
Prior to this emerging form of performance art, there are several influencesbehind this form of social dance. In West Java, for example, social dance is the influence of the Ball Room, which is usually in a dance-dance association could not be separated from existence and pamogoran ronggeng. Ronggeng in social dance is no longer functioning for the ceremony, but for entertainment or slangway. Ronggeng existence in the performing arts have an attraction that invitessympathy for the pamogoran. For example on Tilu Tap dance is so well known by the Sundanese, estimated this art popular around the year 1916. As the folkperforming arts, this art is supported only by simple elements, such as waditrawhich includes fiddle, drums, two kulanter, three percussion, and gongs.Similarly, the dance movements that do not have a standard pattern of motion, asimple costume dancer as a reflection of democracy.
Prior to this emerging form of performance art, there are several influencesbehind this form of social dance. In West Java, for example, social dance is the influence of the Ball Room, which is usually in a dance-dance association could not be separated from existence and pamogoran ronggeng. Ronggeng in social dance is no longer functioning for the ceremony, but for entertainment or slangway. Ronggeng existence in the performing arts have an attraction that invitessympathy for the pamogoran. For example on Tilu Tap dance is so well known by the Sundanese, estimated this art popular around the year 1916. As the folkperforming arts, this art is supported only by simple elements, such as waditrawhich includes fiddle, drums, two kulanter, three percussion, and gongs.Similarly, the dance movements that do not have a standard pattern of motion, asimple costume dancer as a reflection of democracy.
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